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五洲传播中心 发布于 2014 时长:30分钟 清晰度:720P高清 语言: 中文
本系列纪录片从自然地理和社会人文两种角度切入,对中国乡村普通百姓的生活进行真实记录和立体呈现,用画面和声音去描摹和传递当代中国乡村的变化,表现乡村百姓恬淡的生活态度。一片片充满希望的原野,一个个满含深情的故事,一张张质朴敦厚的面容,本片着力于跨越中国东西南北,远离都市喧嚣,寻找、记录位于安静角落的美丽乡村。 From two such diverse perspectives as natural geography and social humanity, this documentary makes a truthful record and 3D representation of the lives of ordinary people in rural China, depicts the changes of contemporary rural areas through vivid audiovisual language, and expresses the villagers' peaceful attitude towards life. The daily existence of the nation's rural residents is chronicled amid fields full of hope, and stories of affection are reflected in unsophisticated faces. The series covers areas across China's east, west, north and south. While staying away from the urban hustle and bustle, it seeks to trace the record of life in the country's quieter regions.
