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美国探索频道、五洲传播中心 发布于 2011 时长:60分钟 清晰度:720P高清 语言: 英配中字
本节目运用 3D 技术,栩栩如生呈现中华功夫的禅武合一、内外兼修的精神特质,以富有吸引力和冲击力的画面呈现中华功夫的力量和美感,以现代技术手段分析透视蕴含的生物学、物理学、力学等科学原理,以临场感强的立体画面展示传奇、真实的中华武术世界,体现中华武学的博大精深,带领观众以更新的视角、更真实的体验走进功夫的神奇世界,对中国传统文化有更深刻的了解和更深入的认知。 This film uses 3D techniques to give a vivid portrayal of Chinese martial arts that emphasize the improvement of mind and body with Zen teachings and physical exercise. With its impressive stereoscopic images, this film reveals the strength and beauty of the legendary Chinese martial arts and uses modern techniques to analyze the theories base on in respect of biology, physics and mechanics. In addition, the legendary and real Chinese martial arts world is displayed in a three-dimensional picture, which reflects extensive and profound Chinese martial arts, guiding the audience to enter the magical world of kung fu with a newer perspective and more real experience, and have a deeper understanding and cognition of Chinese traditional culture.
下载: 英配中字
